1、Connect Wifi
Before we make a http-get request, connecting Wifi must be done.The demo gave by official website is as Code Block-1. See http://nodemcu.com/index_cn.html
2、PHP Webserver
By using php,we can get the request arguments by _GET['xxx'] directly. Demo is as Code Block-2.
3、NodeMcu Request
Demo is as Code Block-3. We used the cjson module to parse the Json data returned by php server and iterate over and print the elements.
4、Chinise Garbled Solution
Since the url of NodeMcu http-get request supports Chinise badly,we can use the Base64 encoded url. For example, the base64 code of '你好' is '5L2g5aW9Cg==', then the url will be 'login.php?name=5L2g5aW9Cg=='. The php server should decode the data such as the Code Block-4.
1、连接 Wifi
在进行Http 的GET请求前,我们需要连接Wifi.官方给出了一个例子,代码如下
连接Wifi代码Code Block-1:
- print(wifi.sta.getip())
- --nil
- wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION)
- wifi.sta.config("SSID","password")
- print(wifi.sta.getip())
- --
参考 http://nodemcu.com/index_cn.html
PHP服务端代码Code Block-2:
- <?php
- $user_name = isset($_GET['name'])?$_GET['name']:null;
- $user_pwd = isset($_GET['pwd'])?$_GET['pwd']:null;
- $message = array(
- "type" => 0,
- "data" => "name:".$user_name." pwd:".$user_pwd
- );
- echo json_encode($message);
- ?>
NodeMcu进行php.get请求代码Code Block-2:
- http.get("", nil, function(code, data)
- if (code < 0) then
- print("HTTP request failed")
- else
- print(code,data)
- t = cjson.decode(data)
- for k,v in pairs(t) do print(k,v) end
- end
- end)
NodeMCU对GET请求的URL参数中文支持并不好,我们可以使用Base64编码后的参数。比如说"你好"的base64编码为 ”5L2g5aW9Cg==“,那么url则为 “login.php?name=5L2g5aW9Cg==”,PHP服务端对base64参数的解析代码如下:
PHP解析base64编码参数Code Block-4:
- if(preg_match("/==$/", $user_name)){
- $user_name=base64_decode($user_name);
- }