#sudo apt-get install dialog
dialog --title "Linux Dialog Utility Infobox" --backtitle "Linux Shell Script\
Tutorial" --infobox "This is dialog box called infobox, which is used \
to show some information on screen, Thanks to Savio Lam and\
Stuart Herbert to give us this utility. Press any key. . . " 7 50 ; read
dialog --title "Linux Dialog Utility Msgbox" --backtitle "Linux Shell Script\
Tutorial" --msgbox "This is dialog box called msgbox, which is used\
to show some information on screen which has also Ok button, Thanks to Savio Lam\
and Stuart Herbert to give us this utility. Press any key. . . " 9 50
dialog --title "Alert : Delete File" --backtitle "Linux Shell Script\
Tutorial" --yesno "\nDo you want to delete '/usr/letters/jobapplication'\
file" 7 60
case $sel in
0) echo "User select to delete file";;
1) echo "User select not to delete file";;
255) echo "Canceled by user by pressing [ESC] key";;
dialog --title "Inputbox - To take input from you" --backtitle "Linux Shell\
Script Tutorial" --inputbox "Enter yourname please" 8 60 2>/tmp/input.$$
na=`cat /tmp/input.$$`
case $sel in
0) echo "Hello $na" ;;
1) echo "Cancel is Press" ;;
255) echo "[ESCAPE] key pressed" ;;